Dating and Recovery – Your Go-To Guide

Dating can be tough. Dating in recovery from an eating disorder?

That can certainly add some layers of difficulty. Where to begin, right?!

We’ve compiled a list of perspectives to help you sort it all out.


Yes, Dating in Recovery is Possible. Here’s What You Need to Know.

Dating During Eating Disorder Recovery

The Secret Life of Dating With an Eating Disorder

The Challenges of Navigating Dating in Eating Disorder Recovery


Happy Dating! (…if and when you want to, of course!)

Resourcing Yourself

What does it mean to “be in your body”?

For many of us in recovery from an eating disorder or disordered eating, this question is one that we shy away from. Being in our bodies? Nah, not for us. However, being in our bodies (embodiment) may be a tool to help strengthen and expand recovery.

So, let’s ask again. What does it mean to be embodied?

Being embodied means to have the ability to listen. When we can attune to the messages our bodies are sending us, we then have the opportunity to meet our needs accordingly and to be in and with ourselves.

Becoming embodied is a process that can take a lifetime, as we are discouraged from listening to our bodies from a very young age. How do we begin this process? See the tools below that can be used to exercise the “listening muscle” and enhance our ability to sense our bodies and how they fit in the world around us.

5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Tool

  • This grounding technique helps us to orient to the world around us, which is the first step to being able to orient to the world within us (an embodied state).  Practice utilizing this tool linked above.

Body scanning

  • Body scanning is a type of meditation that invites us to notice sensations within our bodies. Practice body scanning to your comfort level using the video linked above.

Begin your journey to exploring embodiment by practicing the 5-4-3-2-1 and body scanning tools above. What do you notice about your thoughts, feelings, and sensations? What do you notice about your comfort level with yourself?


Stay tuned for more information about embodiment in recovery in our April blog post!




This Valentine’s Day, we share a post via New Method Wellness. These words are truly a worthwhile read!

With love,

Nutritious Thoughts

“It’s a little annoying when stores start putting up Valentine’s Day decorations before it’s even January. Well, February is here already, and now the countdown has begun toward that lovely – or dreaded – Hallmark holiday. Relationship experts and addiction professionals warn about love during the first year of recovery, but when “love is in the air” and all around you, it’s hard to block it out of your mind, especially around this time of year! As you scroll through your Facebook feeds and Instagram pics, you can’t help but wonder, how would a little love hurt anyone?
If you are in recovery, your best bet is to make sobriety the top priority on your list rather than finding love. That can be pretty hard to do when every store you walk into is full of reminders that you are single, but rest assured, you won’t regret sticking to the discipline of sobriety for the following reasons:
• Focusing on your sobriety will, in the long run, lead to healthier relationships overall, not just in the romantic domain, but also in all aspects of life
• You increase your chances of success at any endeavor if you stick with the treatment plan that you and your substance abuse counselor developed together
• You reduce your chances of relapsing by avoiding romantic distractions
• You avoid the pitfall of unhealthy relationships. If you get involved with someone during your early stages of recovery, you get addicted to the “high” of falling in love rather than falling in love with the person
• You get to exercise responsibility by not entangling others in an emotional rollercoaster while you sort out your own emotions and discover who you are.
Do what makes you happy. Fill your schedule with activities that excite you. Here are some ideas you might want to try:
• Sign up for a dance class. Tired of salsa? Try swing dancing and bring a friend with you who will be supportive of your recovery.
• Get into photography and soak in the beauty around you. Form a new habit by creating an album of memories and people you never want to forget. Appreciate beauty in all its forms wherever you go.
• Go horseback riding. Aside from letting you bond with your favorite animal, horseback riding offers you nontraditional benefits of a physical workout. It helps strengthen your muscles and improve your cardiovascular health.
• Like water? Try water sports like surfing and paddle boarding. Not only are they great for physical exercise but they’re also excellent ways to enhance your mood and reduce anxiety.
It’s a well-known fact that those who have a history of addiction tend to isolate themselves, irrespective of the type of addiction they have. Case studies have shown that social isolation largely contributes to higher rates of drug use, and the maladaptive patterns developed during substance abuse negatively affect one’s existing relationships.

Reach out to a loved one. Reach out to your recovery community. Stay connected this Valentine’s Day!

Repost: Some “What Ifs” For Dealing With Fatphobia In The New Year

This blog post was written by Ragen Chastain of Dances with Fat.

“The truth is that fatphobia should never happen, and we should never have to deal with it. If and when we do, we might have to take into account how much energy we have to fight, how much power the person engaged in bigotry has over us, or other factors – including and especially for people who are part of more than one marginalized community. So these what-ifs aren’t about deciding what we will do every time, but rather thinking about the possibilities

What if we didn’t put up with body shaming?

What if we interrupted body shaming whenever we heard it – not just about our own bodies, but about any body? You could say something like “My new year’s resolution is to stop participating in negative body talk.” (If this is happening before the new year, just add “and I’m starting early!”)

What if we didn’t allow a running commentary on our body/food choices/weight/etc.

People can think whatever they want about my body, but they can’t say it out loud if they want me to stick around. One of my favorite phrases for this is “I’m going to stop you there.” You can just leave it at that and change the subject, or you can add something like “I’m not interested in people’s opinions about my body/food/weight/etc. let’s talk about something else.”

What if we didn’t buy into the thinner=better/healthier/prettier paradigm

This is a place where I think all of us can probably use some self-work. Our culture is utterly saturated with this myth and it can create fatphobia that is directed at others and/or internalized. (Often we can identify areas for work by our “buts” and our “as long as’s” for example, if we think “it’s ok to be fat but…she shouldn’t be wearing that” or “it’s ok to be fat as long as you’re healthy”) Bodies come in lots of sizes for lots of reasons and thinner bodies are not inherently better in any way, and adding healthism to fatphobia does not improve the situation.

What if we loudly defended our bodies, fixed a plate, then flipped a table and walked out?

This may not be your style and that’s completely ok. But know that it’s ok to defend your body (maybe like you would defend someone you love.) We each get to choose what we are going to allow and sometimes those choices are out of your hands, but it’s worth brainstorming the solutions that are the most “out there” including table-flipping, and leaving (with a plate, of course!)

If we want to dismantle fatphobia we need to keep asking ‘what if…’.”

Repost: the HAES® files: How We Can Reframe Gaining Weight as an Act of Self-Care


by McKenna Schueler

In this ASDAH blog post, McKenna Schueler offers a compassionate framing of weight gain to combat harmful cultural messaging that glorifies weight loss while vilifying weight gain as a ‘problem’ to be fixed. Within, McKenna proposes that allowing your body to gain weight can, in many cases, be protective and serve as an act of self-care and body kindness. 

Most people nowadays have some level of awareness of what it means to pursue or engage in some form of ‘self-care’. Unfortunately, this concept which was initially rooted in self-compassion has in recent years been commodified.

That is, if you look to magazines or social media influencers to figure out what self-care is, you’ll find the concept often linked to products and services promoted as one-size-fits-all cures for any number of mental and physical ailments. If you buy this cream, or that subscription box – there’s your self-care.

This proposed requisite of having to buy a product or service to take care of your physical or mental well-being is problematic, to say the least. And it also bleeds into the aesthetic values of diet culture, which glorifies pursuits of shaping, surveilling, and shrinking the body.

Thus, it has become in vogue to find creative ways to pursue weight loss under the guise of #selfcare.

In this way, self-care begins to resemble something closer to bodily harm than body kindness. As a result of whom this media messaging typically targets, this commodified picture of self-care disproportionately reaches women; and by way of medical and institutional bias, has its most nefarious effects on women of color, food insecure populations, disabled folx, and trans folx whose bodies exist beyond the bounds of what has traditionally been conceived of as the “picture of health.”

What isn’t often broached in discussions of self-care, however, is where weight gain can fit. As a young, cisgender woman with a decade-long history of disordered eating patterns, I have had the challenging – yet, perhaps ultimately rewarding – experience of unlearning and relearning what it means to treat my body and general self with kindness.

As a result of having an eating disorder and living in contemporary American society, I’ve had a considerable amount of time to be both drawn into the alluring conception of body-shaping and shrinking as the ultimate #wellnesshack – and fight against it.

As most people who are drawn to Health At Every Size® principles are probably aware, there are many harms and health risks that can occur as a result of disordered eating. People of all sizes who engage in severe patterns of disordered eating or weight-cycling are at risk for facing both medical and psychological consequences. These risks are not limited to people who are classified by the problematic BMI calculation as “underweight.”

Weight gain is commonly framed within media and by bias-holding medical professionals as a “problem to be fixed.” But what about when weight gain is protective, and the choices leading up to them acts of self-nurture? Additionally, why must weight gain (for any reason) be moralized at all? All bodies shift and change with time; it is simply our realities as embodied creatures.

In this post specifically, I will be focusing on weight gain that occurs in response to nourishing and caring for your body after a time of caloric restriction or scarcity. Among people with and without clinical eating disorders alike, it is common for weight gain to occur as a natural response to weight suppression or recent weight loss.

Weight suppression refers to the phenomenon of your weight being below your biological set-point and can happen as a result of:

  • having inadequate access to enough food
  • chronic dieting
  • eating disorders
  • medical conditions

Side effects of medications, or significant experiences of stress or sickness, can also cause weight loss in some instances – much to the body’s chagrin.

Within the context of eating disorder recovery, weight gain can be more complex than one’s reaction to seeing a higher number on the scale. Many people (with and without eating disorders) tie weight loss or a smaller body to their identity, their sense of safety, or their value as a person. Learning to re-nourish the body in eating disorder recovery can also be physically uncomfortable, or even painful at times as a result of how the body reacts to increasing or regulating food intake.

The challenges of accepting and embracing weight gain are even more significant for people who occupy a fat body, due to the compounding pressure of messaging coming out of diet culture, biases held by treatment providers, and size discrimination. I recognize that as a person with thin privilege, I am protected from many of these compounding forces of oppression.

Then there are our friends, our family, or whomever we encounter this way or that who take the time to bemoan recent bodily changes. They have also been fed messages about what is “healthy” or “unhealthy,” or how to treat a body that is not pictured as the totally achievable health ideal.

When I propose the idea of reframing weight gain as self-care, I am not proposing that this physical change is the most important part of the body kindness process. When I talked to someone about this angle recently, they said to me: Yes, weight gain can be important for eating disorder recovery [and arguably for many people without an eating disorder], but what else does this mean?

As I understand, what accepting weight gain as a form of body kindness really means is:

  • listening to and accepting your body’s needs
  • challenging the ways we are conditioned to critique our bodies and instances of weight gain
  • challenging fatphobia’s white supremacist, ableist, and xenophobic roots
  • embracing the HAES® principle of eating for well-being, and rejecting healthism

Often lost in the continual onslaught of complaints about weight gain are how it can often come as a result of properly nourishing ourselves following sickness, stress, or inadequate access to food.

Not every instance of weight gain is something that someone is actively pursuing, and it may be unexpected. But when we become so fixated on feeding into diet culture’s vilification of weight gain, we neglect how nurturing, and how tender an act it can be to adequately feed our bodies and let them change as they may, if and when we have the resources to do so.

For people who are recovering from an eating disorder or years of dieting, this can be particularly special. It’s not easy to ignore and challenge the mainstream obsession with weight loss or ‘fixing’ our bodies. But is is an act of kindness to ourselves.

The Take-Home Message

Nourishing ourselves doesn’t have to be careful, pretty, gentle, or always even grounded in mindfulness.

Reaching for whatever it is you have available – be it an apple, candy bar, or your favorite food – and feeding yourself sends a message to your body that I am taking care of you, you deserve nourishment, and that will never change no matter how you change or grow.

So, if you would like, I invite you to frame any past, recent, or future weight gain as self-care. I’m right here with you. 

McKenna Schueler (She/Her) is a freelance/contract writer with a Bachelors of Arts degree in English and a minor in psychology. McKenna was first introduced to Health at Every Size® and the body liberation movement through the works of fat activists and radical feminist voices online. She hopes to further her education in public health and use her knowledge to help increase federal, state, and community support for inclusive and culturally-competent mental health treatment interventions that respect patient agency. In the meantime, she strives to offer words of compassion and understanding for those who can come away from her writing feeling better informed and/or comforted.

Reclaiming Your Body After Abuse and Assault

Trigger Warning: Impact of abuse and assault on physical, mental, and emotional health. Reader discretion advised.


You may ask: Where does the voice of a registered dietitian treating eating disorders/disordered eating belong in a conversation about the impacts of abuse and assault?

Our answer: Front and center.

Experiencing a loss of body autonomy through traumatic events such as abuse and assault is a topic that is becoming more openly discussed in media and research. Finally! – a realm of experiences that many (most) of us can relate to on some level is no longer “hush-hush”. With the growing amount and variety of community support for survivors, where does the non-diet, body neutral dietitian fit in?

Trauma affects everything. Survivors often experience changes in their physical, mental, and emotional health (sometimes gradually, sometimes suddenly).* Many of these changes are intricately weaved with digestive health and eating behaviors. Cue the non-diet, body neutral dietitian!

It is our hope to help survivors of trauma move forward in their healing journeys by encouraging a reclamation of body autonomy and educating on the specific ways traumatic events can alter the how we feed ourselves. This. Takes. Time. All the time one may need. Some ways in which a dietitian at Nutritious Thoughts** may support you in reclaiming your body autonomy include the following:

  • Restoration of balanced and adequate nourishment
  • Rehabilitation from eating disorder/disordered eating behaviors
  • Attunement to bodily cues (hunger, fullness, other digestive and emotional cues related to eating)
  • Creating a self-care plan
  • Cultivating a space where your voice and experience is heard and respected

If you or someone you know needs support around the topics of abuse and/or assault, please consider reaching out to or providing them with the following resources:

  • National Domestic Violence Hotline – 1-800-799-7233
  • National Sexual Assault Hotline (RAINN) – 1-800-656-4673
  • Our Voice (local Western NC support!) – 828-255-7576
  • For crises, medical emergencies, etc. – Dial 911

*Details on these changes can be found via Dialogues of Clinical Neuroscience here: Traumatic stress: effects on the brain

**A registered dietitian is an important part of a treatment team for survivors with dis-regulated eating behaviors but they cannot be the entire team. Survivors deserve a team that involves multiple clinicians and at minimum, the addition of a therapist and physician.

Back to School!

We are a few weeks into the 2019-2020 school year.  With returning to school comes a set of new stressors, deadlines, and social activities.  How do we maintain recovery when taking on the role of “student”?  Eating Disorder Hope recently released an article on this topic exactly, and we couldn’t have written it any better ourselves.  Therefore, we’ve provided the article for you here in this blog post!  Keep reading for some top-notch tips on staying recovery-forward in the midst of transitioning back to school.


Best Practices for Returning to School

Here are the best practices for returning to school in eating disorder recovery:

Make time for recovery. Even with a busier schedule, it’s important to prioritize recovery. This includes continuing to attend appointments with your treatment team at a frequency that will continue to support your recovery. This also includes keeping your long-term health and wellness in mind in spite of the stressors that come with school.

Identify your triggers. Before returning to school, identify what may trigger disordered eating thoughts and behaviors. Triggers may be things like overhearing classmates talk about their bodies, eating with others in the lunchroom, or the amount of math homework you’ll be facing.

Have a go-to list of coping skills and self-care plans that will help you manage these triggers. This will help reduce any risk of relapse.

Develop a healthy daily structure. Finding a daily structure means finding balance. It’s having a routine that provides regular sleep and regular meals.

It’s a schedule that includes social activities that make it difficult to isolate, as well as things like making time for academic efforts to prevent school work from “building up.”

Self-care is an important part of the daily structure — as part of the best practices for returning to school, be sure to build in time each day to take care of yourself and manage daily stressors.

Get support. Know that when things get difficult, you don’t have to figure it out all on your own. Call in your support system — whether it be parents, friends, teachers, the school counselor, or a formal support group — for support around whatever is troubling you.

Many students in recovery need support around academic workload, time management, stress management, meal prep, and/or mealtime support.

Consult with your treatment team. Work closely with your treatment team to address any triggers or challenges that may arise. If you have any concerns, be sure to share them with your treatment team, as they will be able to support you and offer up individualized recommendations.

If you begin to feel like things are getting on top of you, like you’re not coping as well, or returning to old disordered eating thoughts or behaviors, it’s important that you reach out to your treatment team as soon as possible.

Special consideration for student-athletes. Work closely with your coach.

For students in recovery who are returning to athletics along with school, it’s important that your coach understands how to support you in your recovery.

Coaches should be aware of any recommendations being made by your treatment team and be willing to support you in following those recommendations.

This is important for both your short-term and long-term health and wellbeing.

About the Author:

Chelsea Fielder-JenksChelsea Fielder-Jenks is a Licensed Professional Counselor in private practice in Austin, Texas. Chelsea works with individuals, families, and groups primarily from a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) framework.

She has extensive experience working with adolescents, families, and adults who struggle with eating, substance use, and various co-occurring mental health disorders. You can learn more about Chelsea and her private practice at

Summertime Scaries

The summer season produces many unique challenges for those recovering from an eating disorder, disordered eating, or body image concerns.  From family cookouts to bathing suits, the summer months can feel like one huge exposure assignment!  We’ve compiled some great reads that address many of the “summertime scaries” in recovery.  Check them out below!


‘Clean’ Eating: Magic or Mayhem?

This month, we feature an article published by Outside Magazine that discusses the clean eating trend in depth.

Bonus: the article includes perspective from one of our own here at Nutritious Thoughts – Margaret Ruch, MS, RD, LDN!

Is ‘Clean Eating’ Good for You? Not Really.

Trying to eat perfectly all the time is a losing battle

The clean-eating trend isn’t new, but it is ever present. It’s a hashtag on Instagram, a hot topic on Twitter and Reddit, and a whole category of food blogs, cookbooks, and magazines. While this approach to eating looks a little different for everyone, it always promotes whole foods and warns against processed options and added sugars. Some clean-eating plans even eschew whole-food staples like dairy, grains, and naturally occurring sugars. Despite the trend’s prevalence—and the fact that “eating clean” as a term sounds benign enough—health experts are wary of the approach for a handful of reasons. Here’s an overview of why athletes should steer clear of the trend.

“Clean Eating” Is an Ambiguous Term

There’s no agreed-upon definition of clean eating. “Generally, it’s about eating foods that are less or not at all processed. It’s always a form of restrictive eating, and for some people, it leads to avoiding whole food groups,” says Margaret Ruch, a registered dietitian who specializes in sports nutrition and disordered eating. The paleo version of clean eating, for example, emphasizes protein, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and some fruit, but it cuts out dairy, grains, legumes, added sugars, and processed foods.

The flexibility of what constitutes clean eating can lead adherents down a path of increasing restriction. The diet promises to be the cure for all kinds of ailments: fatigue, bloating, acne, weight gain, and even some chronic illnesses. If someone adopts of a couple of rules (like cutting out sugar and processed carbs) and doesn’t see benefits, it’s likely they’ll keep adding rules and cutting out foods until they do. “It’s a slippery slope—you want to eat healthier, but there’s really no end goal for clean eating, no way to know you’re doing a good job with it,” says Heather Caplan, a registered dietitian, distance runner, and former running coach.

Plus, while diet certainly impacts health, it’s unrealistic to give it so much power. Factors that are totally out of our control (genetics, for one) play a huge part in our health outcomes, as do things like our relationships, location, and socioeconomic status. “I say that to comfort people, but it’s often jarring. Just because you eat ‘perfectly’ doesn’t mean you’re definitely going to be healthy,” says Caplan.

You Need More Calories Than Veggies Can Provide

“Proper nutrition can play a big role in sports performance, but proper fueling has more to do with getting enough—enough energy, enough carbs, enough protein, enough fat, and enough fluid,” Ruch says. In other words: prioritizing nutrient-dense food is good, but the most important thing is to make sure you’re giving your body the calories it needs to perform and recover properly.

“No matter how you define clean eating, it’s about cutting out certain foods, which makes it much harder to get enough food overall,” Ruch says. “If you’re not consuming as much energy as you need, that really can damage your body in the short and the long term.”

It’s Tough to Get Enough Carbs from Whole Foods 

Exactly how many carbs a person needs depends on several factors—age, gender, weight, activity level, genetics—but “for endurance athletes, carbs should generally be about 50 to 60 percent of your total food intake,” Caplan says.

“If you define clean eating as no processed carbs, it’s going to be really tough to reach your carb needs because of all the fiber that comes with unprocessed carbs,” she says. Fiber increases a food’s volume without increasing its energy, so it makes you feel full more quickly. If you’re also cutting out whole grains and legumes, it’ll be even tougher to fulfill your carbohydrate needs.

Processed Carbs and Sugar Are Great Workout Fuel

Complex carbohydrates from whole foods are great choices most of the time. They’re more nutrient dense than processed carbs, and they digest slowly for steady energy. They’re not a good source of quick energy, though. “I wouldn’t recommend that someone eat a sweet potato or a slice of Ezekiel bread right before working out—they will be slow to enter your bloodstream,” Ruch says.

“So many athletes aren’t getting adequate carbs, usually because they’re afraid of sugar,” she says. “Processed carbs and sugars are great when you need blood sugar quickly, like when you’re about to go on a run or do any kind of intense or long workout.”

Plus, whole carbs preworkout can cause an upset stomach. Fiber is resistant to digestion, which means you’ll likely deal with some bloating and a sensitive stomach while your body breaks down fiber-rich foods—inconvenient during, say, a long training run. “Some people need a low-fiber preworkout snack, like white bread or cereal,” Caplan says. “Other people, like me, can tolerate more fiber and be fine.” If your gut isn’t having it, don’t hesitate to switch to a processed-carb snack or sugar (like a honey stick) that’s easier for your body to break down.

Restrictive Eating Creates Nutrient Deficiencies

Nobody wants to get sidelined by a stress fracture, and diet plays a big role in bone health. Eliminating dairy affects your calcium and vitamin D intake. “If you’re not replacing that dairy with something else, you’re likely going to be deficient,” says Ruch. And relying on supplements won’t cut it; studies have consistently shown that these supplements don’t reduce the risk of osteopenia, osteoporosis, or fractures, and that your best bet for good bone health is getting adequate calcium through your diet. (If you have a dairy allergy, you can get calcium and vitamin D from fortified products, like nondairy milks.)

Whole grains also provide important micronutrients, including vitamin E and various B vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, and folate, that offer critical support to digestion, the nervous system, and more, Caplan says. “Most whole grains are fortified with folate or folic acid, and sometimes iron.” All of these nutrients are essential for good health, and while it’s possible to get them elsewhere, grains are an easy and inexpensive source.

Diet Can Cause Mental and Emotional Stress, Too

“When we talk about health, we have to take into account not only the nutritional value of what we’re eating but also emotionally how we feel when we’re eating a certain way,” says Breese Annable, a psychologist who specializes in disordered eating, chronic dieting, and body image. Although a less rigid style of clean eating might be fine for some people, too many food rules can have a big negative impact on overall health, Annable says. For example, if you avoid social gatherings for fear of not being able to eat “clean,” you’re isolating yourself, which can have its own negative consequences. Plus, chronic stress has been shown to impair sports recovery.

Stressors of rigid clean eating might include spending more money on food (whole foods are generally more expensive) and constantly denying yourself the foods you’re craving. “There’s a trade-off between any potential benefits of following a certain diet and the stress you put on yourself when you’re so rigid and inflexible,” Ruch says. “This is true even if you do manage to get enough energy and nutrition from a diet.”

The Bottom Line

Clean eating essentially paints foods as being good or bad. “It creates this sense of morality around food,” Annable says. But health isn’t black and white, and thinking of food that way won’t do you any favors. If anything, it sets you up for feelings of guilt and failure when you inevitably break whatever diet rules you’ve set for yourself.

“It’s harmful to put labels on your diet and yourself, instead of just saying you eat a flexible diet and you’re mindful about your food intake,” Ruch says. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to eat healthfully, but the best approach is to focus on eating mostly nutritious foods while thinking of the occasional less nutritious treats as just part of an overall healthy balance. In other words: ditch the idea of clean eating, and embrace the fact that no one meal or food choice will make or break your health.

Direct article link here:

Is ‘National Nutrition Month’ a Recovery-Positive Campaign?

As registered dietitians dedicated to the prevention and evidence-based treatment of eating disorders and disordered eating, we found ourselves asking the following questions leading into National Nutrition Month®:

  • Does National Nutrition Month® (NNM) align with Eating Disorder/Disordered Eating (ED/DE) recovery?
  • As Health At Every Size® (HAES) informed professionals, to what extent might we ethically support participation in this month-long campaign focusing on nutrition and physical activity to our clients, our peers, friends, loved ones…ourselves?

The quick answers?

  • A little bit, kind of, sorta…
  • Proceed with caution

Here’s a more in-depth look at our perspective:

Let’s begin by explaining a little bit more about NNM!  NNM was created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), the largest organization of food and nutrition professionals in the United States. AND defines NNM as follows:

What is National Nutrition Month®?

National Nutrition Month® is an annual nutrition education and information campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The campaign, celebrated each year during the month of March, focuses on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits.

– Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND)

We’ve done a thorough review of the National Nutrition Month website for 2019 and wanted to share some thoughts with you.

What we appreciated about this year’s theme:

  1. The 2019 NNM theme is self-titled (“National Nutrition Month®”) which makes it more inclusive of many different topics of discussion – including eating disorders and disordered eating! Win!
  2. Many of the educational materials encouraged making sustainable changes towards achieving balanced food and movement routines that are individualized. We love this approach!
  3. Mental health and motivation for change (which are totally intertwined with eating and moving our bodies) were not excluded from the conversation!

What we could have done without:

  1. The language! Reviewing the NNM website brought up a much larger conundrum – the way we speak about nourishment in our society. The language we use to address nutrition and movement is morally charged. The “good/bad” or “right/wrong” polarization is not recovery-positive and continues to drive us farther away from seeing food as just food and moving our bodies as joyful and drives the shame wagon. Shame does not motivate people to adopt health-promoting behaviors.
  2. Weight management. Encouraging weight management through portion control and calorie tracking is not an approach that is respectful and accepting of all body shapes and sizes and promotes the message that larger bodies are inherently in need of “fixing” or must be controlled in some manner. Nah, nah, nah. Not buying it. Weight management is not weight neutral. It’s not HAES-informed. It’s not recovery-positive. It’s oppressive and unethical to prescribe disordered eating behaviors to people living in larger bodies. Also, there is a body of evidence against it.

*Caveat: National Nutrition Month was not created specifically for those in recovery from ED/DE, but for the general United States public.  However, even so, language equating terms such as “weight management” and “portion control” as being “right” can be harmful for at-risk populations and creates unnecessary vulnerability to developing ED/DE behaviors.

Suggestions for observing NNM in ED/DE recovery:

  1. Celebrate how far you’ve come! Take this opportunity to reflect on how eating and movement patterns have become more sustainable and balanced.
  2. Set goals. How might you propel your recovery forward this month? What would it look like to take steps to strengthen our relationships with ourselves and with food, movement, and recovery?
  3. Increase your food variety – try some new foods this month!
  4. Take up space and use your voice. Be in a larger body. Be fat. Exist as you are.

We love our field, our colleagues, and the wealth of valuable knowledge provided by AND, and we hope to continue to shift the way nutrition and wellness are presented to the general public to be more inclusive and less stigmatizing!

Check out what other ED/DE clinicians have said about NNM over the years:




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Holding Virtual & In Person Sessions



Who We Are

We provide support around Eating Concerns, Embodiment, Nutrition for Substance Use Recovery, Nutrition for Mental Health, Nutrition for Competitive & Recreational Athletes, Chronic Health Concerns, and Gestational, & Hormonal & Reproductive Nutrition.